Avoid Health Information Overload
Do you suffer from Health Information overload? Are you confused by the plethora of information that is out there on how to get healthy? I am here to rescue you. My name is Val Bergstrom and I am a health and life coach with a lifelong passion for good health and an extensive background in mentoring and counseling. I have combined these two things into my company Simply Choose Healthy.
I can’t even count the times I’ve heard people say “it’s just too confusing and contradictory, all the health information out there”. Then they have one of two reactions — they go off on a tangent and commit to some extreme diet or regime based on a health guru’s recommendation or a TV program they have watched; or, they throw in the towel and say, “I give up, it’s way too complicated!”.
I am here to tell you that getting healthy is really much simpler than you might think and I won’t ask you to go on a diet or count calories, I promise. As my client, I will support you to achieve wellness in the simplest way possible because my goal is to help you to Simply Choose Healthy.
If you’re ready, contact me for a free no-risk one hour health consultation.