Feel The Fear…And Do It Anyway
Fear gripped me even thinking about it. Many times over the last 8 years I made plans but then there never was a good time…too windy, wrong season, family schedule too crammed, too close to other holidays. Paralyzing fear overcame me just thinking about walking out on that ledge in the blog photo. And I didn’t have to walk out on some freaking high mountain ledge overlooking a lake a thousand feet below. All I had to do was ride my bike. Yes. Just get on my bike and ride. You heard right. In late July 2009 my husband and I and a friend were mountain biking near Jasper Park Lodge in the Canadian Rockies. We had a lovely day of beautiful trails that wound through some of the best scenery anywhere in the world. Near the end of the day because of the uneven trail and a small ditch, I had a balance issue and the bike and I both went over sideways resulting in my left ankle getting crushed under the derailleur…enter surgery and a plate, screws and pins to hold the ankle together. Everything healed well except…8 years later and I had never got back on my bike. I was immobilized by my fear. I knew I had to do it. Monday May 29, 2017 Abbotsford BC. I was cheered along by my wonderful sister-in-law and brother-in-law and my patient husband taking a video. My arms and knees were shaking and my heart was racing like I was on the treadmill at my top speed. I donned a helmet, got on my sister-in-law’s bike, gripped the handlebars with my sweaty hands, placed my feet on the pedals and rode tentatively down the street and back. My return was met with high 5’s and applause from my cheering squad. The photo above means so much to me because I felt my fear and walked out on a “freaking high mountain ledge” anyway when I finally rode my bike after 8 years.