Sara’s Story – A Teenager With Attitude

Sara Robertson married in her teens and had 2 young children to look after when she was barely 17 years old. Sara and her husband settled into country life in the high desert north east of Phoenix, Arizona. Her husband’s occupation took him away from home a lot. Sara had to look after the children, home, finances, garden, animals and anything else that might come up during his absence, including protecting her little family from any kind of danger that presented itself…a hard life for a teenage mother of 2. In her shoes, it would not be hard for Sara to bend to an attitude of complaint regarding her tough circumstances.

The journal entry is Spring 1883. She lived 130+ years ago in an area that had a lot of unrest with the Hashknife Outfit cowboys marauding the country and many other lurking dangers, human and animal. She was often alone. Sara was a 17 year old pioneer wife and mother of 2 babies by 1883 and settled with her husband in the country near Wilford, a town that existed until 1926. I got to know about Sara Robertson while vacationing and exploring some history in the high desert near Heber-Overgaard, Arizona, March 2017. Sara had gratitude and recognized blessings in the coming of spring and all that was beautiful about her home.   I feel very drawn to Sara Robertson. She touched my heart and reminded me that our circumstances do not dictate our attitude. I will never forget her story.