
Simply Choose Healthy was established in 2016 by Val Bergstrom as a means to assist people to achieve overall wellness. She saw that sometimes people get stuck in their personal or professional lives and find it difficult to get out of the rut they are in.

Through Simply Choose Healthy, Val coaches individuals to help them get back on track in the simplest way possible. She often works with those who know what to do but need the help and guidance of a health/life coach to make it happen.

By focusing on the main concerns of the client, Val uses her competent personalized coaching style to help her client take the next steps to a healthier, happier future. Some of these concerns may appear to centre around what people put on their plate, e.g., food choices or cravings. However, clients discover through Val’s insightful coaching that their wellness (e.g., weight loss issues) may have more to do with “primary food” like relationships, career or stress.

Val has been involved in coaching all her adult life, in personal and corporate settings. She has counselled adults and children one-on-one and in small groups, led intentional conversations in a group setting, and facilitated the mending of relationships – especially in families. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, majoring in Music and was a guidance counsellor for over 20 years as part of a rewarding 39-year teaching career.

She also spent 14 years serving on a non-profit board, most of those years as chairperson. Her teaching and coaching experience were an asset in this leadership position and took the board from a managing board to a governance one.

Now able to focus on her passion for health and wellness, Val is excited about this business opportunity. This business is an opportunity to do what she loves most – coach individuals and share in their joy of moving forward in their life.

She also loves cars and animals, especially dogs and cats.

She has 2 adult married children, 7 lovely grandchildren, and lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with her husband.