Wellness Coaching

What is a Health Coach?

A Health Coach is a guide and mentor who empowers you and provides ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.

Health Coaches address the root cause and guide their clients in holistic healing addressing all areas of their life. The Health Coach holds them accountable and helps them reach their goals.

Most people already have the information to get healthier, change life circumstances or make behavioural changes, but they don’t know how to make the transformation. That’s where coaching comes in, by creating a safe space to air their struggles and strengths without judgment, and discuss what action steps they need to take. Health transformations, changing life circumstances or behavioural changes don’t happen overnight – the reason for the 6-month program.

As your Health Coach, I will listen carefully and we will navigate the world of contradictory nutrition and health advice together to explore what truly works for you.

A Health Coach encourages positive changes within client-driven wellness goals.

Health coaching is completely focused on the client – where the client is, and where he or she wants to go with his or her health and life. The Health Coach acts as a guide, helping the client gain control of and take responsibility for his or her health.

Many clients may not have a safe space to share their health concerns, personal goals and aspirations, so being heard by someone else is very powerful. A coach listens and asks questions. A coach brings awareness to the issue at hand, which can lead to action and forward motion. Clients start to become ‘unstuck’ and the healing process can begin.

Life Coach

A Life Coach counsels and encourages clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges. A Life Coach can also help you learn how other areas of your life (career, relationship, spirituality, physical activity) can have a greater impact on your health and wellness than food.

Health and life coaching works on 3 domains: physical, emotional and cognitive wellbeing. An accredited Life Coach is someone who brings health to all 3 domains.

My Health/Life Coaching Program

The process begins with a free one-hour health consultation. During this time, we will talk about your life, health and determine how I can best support you in moving forward and achieving the life you have always wanted to have.

After the free consultation, you have the choice to sign up for the 6-month program, which includes the signing of a contract. The 6-month program includes:

– Twelve (12) one-hour sessions with Val (one session every two weeks either at the Simply Choose Healthy home office, online or by telephone).

– Ongoing support throughout the 6-month program including email support, handouts specific to the client’s needs, and nutritional support for healthy eating.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The Client/Coach relationship is based on trust and a commitment to privacy and confidentiality. As a Coach, I keep the Client’s information private and do not share the Client’s private information with any third party.